Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Irrigating the Fields

I always feel like Spring has sprung when I flood-irrigate the fields for the first time in the spring. Of course, it is snowing today! Rather like washing you can always be sure it is going to rain the next day. The fescue fields are already showing signs of life and the alpacas are quick to make the most of any green morsel they find. Everyone is spending a boring day in the pens waiting for the fields to dry out a bit. The back two orchard grass fields need warmer temperatures to start turning green.

The crop of crias from the fall are all being weaned this week in ancipation of their first show at the end of April in Denver. Their mothers have already started the process and are less receptive to their nursing but that doesn't mean a few of them aren't pining away for mommy on the other side of the fence. The first few days are a little rugged but they soon get over it. The first cria of the season is due at the end of April.

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